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There’s more to life than work, I’m a firm believer in that. It doesn’t mean that work isn’t important. On the contrary, I feel that the best, strongest, and most loyal people are those who also enjoy all aspects of life. You can’t be the best at your job if you are not happy and content with your personal life. I am very fortunate. I have a family that supports me in all things work related. It doesn’t give me free reign to do whatever I want, it means they understand you have to work hard while at work, and when we are at home, you balance time together. I’d never say I’m they perfect father or spouse, with five kids it’s hard to keep up with all the activities. I’ve missed a few games here and there, but they know it’s for the greater good of the family and the family of everyone that works at Buechel Stone.

This blog is dedicated to showing you the work life balance of being in a family business. There is no magic formula here’s to keep things going in the right direction. It’s about a little bit of faith and commitment to know at the end of the day we are all here for a short time, so do the absolute best at everything you can. There’s no half-assing life – you’re either giving it your best or you’re just putting in time.

While working at Buechel Stone, we continually focus on being the best, most dependable company in the natural stone industry. That means more than just words to a customer. That little mission is how we run internal business decisions for our employees, the surrounding community, and anyone that deals with the business.

Follow my blog if you would like to see how Buechel Stone is more than just some stones on a pallet, or on a project spec. We work to make Buechel Stone a great place for employees (AKA Buechel Stone’s #rockstars) to spend over a 1/3 of their day. Thanks for checking in!